Meghan and Harry’s children may ignore ‘rigid rules’ at King Charles’s Coronation – claims


Parenting and relationship expert Gifty Enright spoke about the parenting techniques Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may follow if they attended the Coronation with their two children.

The couple could be travelling to the UK with Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet at the beginning of May, just days before the Coronation, in order to witness the momentous occasion with their little ones.

The parenting expert predicted the strict rules royal children may have to follow that day and how Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet may feel in such an unusual environment for them, surrounded by cameras and observed by millions of people.

According to Gifty, in the event the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the Coronation with the young royals, their parenting style would be “relaxed and progressive compared to the rest of the Royal Family”.

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She opined that Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet “have the luxury of not being working royals” so they won’t have “to conform to rigid rules”.

Harry and Meghan are known to have a progressive parenting style as before Archie was born, there “was mention of the gender-neutral nursery with grey and white colours”.

Meghan also “sees herself as a feminist which means she will shy away from raising her children in gender-typical norms and raise them more around their individual personality and affinity,” the expert claimed.

However, with both Harry and Meghan coming from broken families, maintaining “a tight-knit family unit is going to be important to them” at the Coronation, Gifty added.

These values are already being instilled in their children “together with their other values of healthy eating and caring about the environment,” the expert commented.

At Westminster Abbey, Harry may be more “emotionally accessible to his children as that is something he felt he lacked from his father,” the parenting expert claimed.

She opined that there will be “less ‘stiff upper lip’ and more ‘smothering with love’” from Meghan and Harry.

Despite their relaxed and modern parenting, “with Harry having been brought up as a royal, people can expect his children to have impeccable manners”.

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After receiving an official invite to the Coronation, the couple’s spokesperson said that “an immediate decision on whether the Duke and Duchess will attend will not be disclosed by us at this time”.

Although there are reports that Prince Harry and Meghan’s children have not been invited to the event, Australian journalist Daniela Elser commented that not including them would be “a huge mistake”.

“Leaving Archie and Lili out of the whole three-day event makes something of a mockery of all that enthusiastic drum-banging about just how smashing this inclusiveness business is. How can the King bring a politically, culturally and socially fractured Britain together if he doesn’t even have it in him to bring all of his grandchildren together?,” she told


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