‘The neighbour’s cat is taunting my dog – but she’s threatening to call the police on me’


Life is so much simpler with easygoing neighbours, but not all of us are lucky with the people we live next door to.

Mumsnet user KindleAndCake took to the parenting forum to vent about a very strange argument she had with her neighbour.

Asking her fellow parents “am I being unreasonable”, KindleAndCake explained that she has a dog who “only ever barks at cats, never at other dogs or people”.

New neighbours just moved in and they happen to have cats, which they keep on leads against her fence.

The disgruntled poster claimed that whenever she lets her dog out and he sees them through the fence, he barks at them – so she brings them in.

Her new neighbour recently “challenged” her over her dog’s barking, calling it “annoying”.

In response, she said that there’s not much she can do, as he’s a dog and he barks at cats. Plus, she brings him inside whenever he does this.

The cat-loving neighbour retorted that her cat “doesn’t make any noise”.

The frustrated dog owner continued: “I just looked at him, and said, but he’s a cat. He doesn’t bark.”

Matters escalated and the neighbour reportedly threatened to call the police on her.

She concluded: “Am I really being unreasonable? I don’t know what else I can do?” She later added: “I thought about covering the fence, but they also climb the fence (long leads) and look down at my dog. They taunt him.”

The Mumsnet post was flooded with people empathising for her situation. One user commented: “YANBU (You are not being  unreasonable), neighbour is a daft b******. Who puts their cat outside on a lead? What a tool.”

Another agreed: “It’s a brief noise and you do something about it to stop it. barking dogs are annoying but a fact of life living with neighbours as long as it’s not excessive.”

One user mused: “‘My cat doesn’t make any noise’. ‘Cats don’t bark’ -one of the best things I’ve ever read on here.”


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