Savannah Phillips is ‘most rebellious young royal’ an expert claims


The Royal Family are impeccably behaved and even the children are not exempt from this. But despite their incredibly high social status and extremely unique lives, they are still kids after all, and enjoy having fun just as much as their peers.

According to body language expert Judi James, one royal child is more fun than most and can ignore her royal status long enough to crack a joke with her fellow youngsters.

The expert pointed to 12-year-old Savannah Phillips, daughter of Peter and Autumn Phillips, as the “most rebellious young royal”.

Judi stated: “With royal rebels Zara and Mike as her aunt and uncle, stoic Princess Anne as her granny and a whole gang of younger royal children to ring-lead the fun with, it’s no wonder that Savannah Philips is currently leading an exclusive but competitive set of runners when it comes to winning the title of the most rebellious young royal.”

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The body language expert noted that Savannah’s behaviour with one particular young royal is very telling.

“When it comes to her future King George she is refreshingly irreverent. If she’s not making him laugh by pulling faces she can be seen clamping a hand over his mouth on the royal balcony, or even pushing him downhill at polo,” she opined. 

Living her entire life under the spotlight has made Savannah very accustomed to the constant cameras, and she “looks blissfully uninhibited or shy”. 

She is a fun young royal but Judi noted the multi-faceted pre-teen has a very emotionally intelligent side. 

She observed that “she also provided one of the most touching images from the late Queen’s vigil, when she looked up at her tearful father with a mouth-shrug of concern, comfort and support”. 


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