Next James Bond ‘casts comedic and quirky star as M’ | Films | Entertainment


The next James Bond film has not even been given a title yet, but cast members are apparently rolling in. A new report has revealed a British actress is “in talks” to join the first film following Daniel Craig’s final 007 movie, No Time To Die, as M, the super-spy’s boss.

The actress in question is Daisy May Cooper, a 36-year-old comedic actress who is best known for playing Kerry Mucklowe in the BBC series she co-wrote and created, This Country.

According to The Sun, Cooper is set to be the first actress to take on the role of M after Judi Dench hung up her suits in 2012 after the character died in Skyfall. After M’s death, Ralph Fiennes took over as the leader of the MI5, where he remained until the end of Craig’s tenure.

The report claims Bond bosses hope Cooper will be bringing a “comedic and quirky edge” to the role, a major switch-up for the character who is traditionally quite stern, serious, and unwavering.

It is reported by the publication’s insiders that the “unlikely casting” followed Phoebe Waller-Bridge joining Craig’s fifth movie, No Time To Die, as a script doctor. During that time, she reportedly wrote some extra characters into the movie, including Ana de Armas’ Paloma.

The two British creatives are apparently “close pals”, so Waller-Bridge likely fought for her to join the series as a fresh take on the mighty character.

This could just be the first in a long line of major changes to the James Bond franchise, as the report in question added that producers “feel the time is right for a sweeping overhaul” of the series.

A source said after talks began with Waller-Bridge and Cooper “the production team were getting excited about the prospect of really taking ‘M’ in a different direction”.

The source added: “With Daniel leaving, it seemed the time to start looking at changes across the board and the dynamic between Bond and ‘M’ is at the heart of the films.”

They went on to say this would make the film “a bit lighter and more comedic going forwards”.

It concluded by saying this would “of course” impact the direction the new 007 goes in.

While M has reportedly been cast, the next James Bond actor is still a complete mystery. Bond bosses previously said they won’t be revealing who’ll be replacing Daniel Craig for some time, but the Bond odds continue to change every day.

At the moment, the favourite in the Bond odds with Ladbrokes is Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who has a staggering 5/2 on becoming the hero. He claimed these incredible odds once rumours surfaced online that he had already auditioned to play the character behind the scenes.

He is joined by some acting giants, however, including Tom Hardy, who has a staggering 9/1.

Taylor-Johnson also has to go up against former Superman actor Henry Cavill, who has 5/2 as well, and Regé-Jean Page, who has 8/1.

Watch the James Bond movies on Amazon Prime Video now.


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