‘My neighbours keep me awake until 3am so I found got my revenge by being a Karen’


A woman has shared her “petty” yet hilarious way of taking revenge on her nightmare neighbours. TikToker Saphire Jess has gone viral on social media after her neighbour’s dog was keeping her household awake every night by barking loudly into the early hours of the morning.

Not only was the barking stressing Saphire out, keeping her awake and affecting her health, but it was also affecting the neighbourhood. Sapphire explained that the loud noise was affecting both her and the neighbourhood children’s education plus all the babies in the local area.

In a TikTok video, Saphire lies in bed while a dog barks off-screen. She explained: “When your neighbour’s dog barks from 5pm until 3 am every damn day, Keeping yours and your neighbour’s babies and kids awake ALL NIGHT and it starts to affect your son’s schooling.”

Saphire tried talking to her neighbours but they said their dog is old so they would not be trying to discipline their pet. After spending over six months trying to contact authorities with no answer, Saphire decided to try to solve the problem herself.

She wrote: “So you take things into your own hands, sitting a speaker on the fence while house sitting for the other four houses surrounding, playing this for six hours straight as they sleep for their night shift … hehehe.”

Saphire then showed herself outside during the daytime in her garden with a loudspeaker that was loudly playing the song ‘Who Let the Dogs Out’ by Baha Men. In the video, Saphire can be seen mouthing the lyrics to the 2000 pop hit while dancing while her neighbours try to sleep.

In the caption of the video, Sapphire added: “When talking to them doesn’t help and the authorities won’t help, take it into your own hands. Sometimes petty is the only way.”

Saphire’s video quickly went viral and people rushed to the comment section to assure her the pettiness was justified. One user said: “If you don’t sleep, neither do they!”

Another person wrote: “As a dog owner, I fully support you doing this. Anyone who allows their dog to bark continuously is a PROBLEM. Take care of and train your pets.”

One person asked if there was a noise ordinance in Saphire’s local area and if authorities has been contacted. Saphire replied: “They don’t start fining them until after they’ve warned them eight times in a year and all other avenues such as barking aides been tried.”

In the comment section, Saphire explained that multiple neighbours had reached out about the dog and even offered to babysit him at night and buy him. The neighbourhood had even offered to buy the dog remote treat dispensers so the owners could talk to their pet while at work. however, the disrupting neighbours continued to refuse to do anything about the noise.

In an updated video, Saphire said she added more “obnoxiously annoying” songs to her playlist but has said her scheme has worked as her neighbours are now able to keep their dog quiet at night.

She said that after playing loud music for six hours during the day her neighbours were able to get the message. She wrote: “It’s now been five months and haven’t heard [the dog] for more than 10 minutes at a time.”

Saphire added: “[I] think I got the message across. Was I the Karen?”


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