King Charles has ‘playful relationships’ with all grandchildren but two, expert claims


“At the Highland Games these very relaxed, playful relationships were made clear in the way Camilla’s grandchildren seemed happy to run up and hug or touch Charles with no apparent sense of his status.

“Charles is also seen to have a very warm relationship with little Louis, who has been seen hugging his grandad, who is looking totally delighted and smitten, or even pushing his hand into his grandfather’s face playfully, much to Charles’s amusement,” she added.

As for how Charles interacts with Prince Harry’s children, there are seldom public photographs of these occasions.

Back in November 2019, the Sussex’s shared a photograph of Charles standing alongside his youngest son, who had baby Archie in his arms.

READ MORE: Kate is ‘most relaxed as a parent’ with one child in particular 


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