Kate Middleton and Princess Eugenie’s sapphire engagement rings compared


Kate and Eugenie’s rings are physically very different – but both royal jewels hold the same deeper significance.

The expert stated: “A sapphire is said to protect loved ones from negative energy as well as restore and calm the mind.”

The name “sapphire” comes from the Greek word for “blue”, and Kate Middleton’s stone is a majestic, deep shade of blue.

The Princess’ Ceylon sapphire engagement ring is steeped in sentimental value.

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Charlotte told Express.co.uk that Kate’s engagement ring is “probably the most famous sapphire of modern times”.

“Kate Middleton’s engagement ring has deep personal meaning for Prince William as he felt that by proposing to Catherine with his mother’s engagement ring in 2010, it was his way of ensuring that a part of his mother was with him on their wedding day.

“Following the 2010 proposal, the popularity of sapphire engagement rings went through the roof, and they still remain a very popular choice today.”


Skyrocketing in price since its initial purchase, the ring was originally bought for £28,000 in 1981 and is now estimated to be worth around £300,000.

While Kate’s sapphire ring is a traditional blue, sapphires come in a “rainbow” of different shades and can be one of many blue tones, from marine blue, to deep royal blue, to cornflower.

Charlotte continued: “The other sapphire colours are yellow, green, violet, pink and orange.

“Sapphires come from the mineral, Corundum which is made up of aluminium and oxygen.

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“Corundum is the hardest mineral after diamond and is measured at a nine on the hardness scale whereas a diamond is measured at 10. Diamonds are still 140 times harder than Corundum.”

Where Kate Middleton and Princess Eugenie’s engagement rings differ is that rather than being blue, Eugenie’s sapphire is a stunning, rare pink.

Charlotte revealed: “Princess Eugenie’s engagement ring contains the rarest and arguably the most beautiful of sapphires – the Padparadscha – which comes from Sri Lanka with its name derived from the delicate lotus flower.

‘Padparadscha sapphires come in a delicate pink orange hue and the rarest and most prized are the natural, untreated stones which have the most clarity.

“Princess Eugenie was presented with a stunning Padparadscha sapphire ring by Jack Brooksbank when they got engaged in 2018.”

While it is far rarer than the ring on Kate’s finger, it is a lot less pricey, according to the expert.

“Princess Eugenie’s Padparadscha sapphire is estimated to be between three and four carats.

“Although the price tag has never been made public, its value is estimated to be around £60,000.”

Charlotte Gatward is the director of Gatwards, the oldest, independent family-run jewellers in the UK.


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