Horoscope for September 2023: Astrologer shares what the stars have in store for you


Aries (March21/April20)

A romantic attraction that has been stalled will finally move forward on the 3rd. Resist the temptation to buy someone’s affection; spend more quality time together instead. A positive attitude paves the way for improved health on the 6th. This is also a good time to go to a job interview or audition.

A lucrative job will be offered to you on the 8th; go out and celebrate with a friend who has supported you along the way. The New Moon on the 15th is perfect for launching a health regimen that emphasises strength training. Don’t let fear on the 19th get in the way of exploring a subject that has always fascinated you.

Taurus (April21/May21)

Domestic comforts bring out the best in you on the 3rd; keep a low profile on this restorative day. A flirtatious conversation on the 6th gives you an attractive glow that’s impossible to resist. If you’re looking for love, you’ll find it at a local hotspot. Expressing yourself through a creative project on the 8th will bring you fame and acclaim. Make sure to put your work on display. On the 15th, the New Moon could mark an exciting announcement about an engagement, pregnancy, or marriage. An impromptu celebration is in order. A sensitive relative won’t be able to handle your teasing on the 17th; be gentle.

Gemini (May22/June21)

Daily life becomes a lot more pleasant on the 3rd; the change of pace gives you a mischievous sparkle that’s very attractive. Talking with a relative inspires a creative idea on the 6th; follow up on a brainstorm for a story, film, or song. You could get funding for a home improvement project on the 8th; don’t let the prospect of filling out lots of paperwork get you down.

The New Moon on the 15th finds you spending more time with loved ones. It feels good to escape the pressure of social life. Resist the temptation to blurt out a friend’s secret on the 17th or you’ll never regain their trust. You’ll be impatient with an authority figure’s indecision on the 19th.

Cancer (June22/July23)

You’re offered a lucrative job on the 3rd after giving up hope that you’d ever hear from this employer. Resist the temptation to give your first paycheque to a needy friend; it’s time to build up your savings. A wonderful idea keeps you busy on the 6th; get as much work done on this project as possible so it will gain momentum. Friends are happy to promote your business or talent on the 8th; don’t be shy about asking them for references. On the 15th, the New Moon inspires you to take a short trip for pleasure on the spur of the moment. You’ll enjoy getting a change of scenery.

Leo (July24/August23)

Your charisma fires on all cylinders on the 1st; use it to enchant a powerful person who can help you. You won’t have to work nearly as hard as you have prior to this remarkable day. Negotiating a pay rise or salary is favoured for the 6th; give a detailed explanation about why you deserve more money. An authority figure appreciates your practical approach to work on the 8th and will reward you for it. The New Moon on the 15th attracts another source of income that allows you to indulge in more luxuries. Beware of rushing into a passionate love affair on the 19th; your relationship will thrive if you take things slowly.

Virgo (August24/September23)

It becomes much easier to rest, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labour on the 1st. Stop pushing yourself to set new goals; bask in the beauty of the present moment instead. A brilliant idea brings fame and acclaim on the 6th; don’t be modest about accepting praise. The chance to travel for business will fall in your lap on the 8th. You will also encounter romance on this journey. On the 15th, the New Moon inspires you to change your look in a dramatic way. Prepare for a wave of sincere compliments. Beware of discouraging your best friend or romantic partner from pursuing their dreams on the 19th.

Libra (September24/October23)

On the 3rd, you’ll have lots more time for the people and activities you love. It helps that you’ll have fewer financial demands on you. Spend the 6th enjoying some much-needed rest and relaxation; it’s a great time to binge-watch a show that makes you laugh. Money from an inheritance, prize-winning, or dividend arrives on the 8th, allowing you to indulge in more luxury. The New Moon on the 15th creates a spiritual breakthrough that deepens your appreciation for life. Don’t lend or borrow money on the 17th; the last thing you want to do is ruin a beautiful friendship. Before starting a work assignment on the 19th, ask for more precise instructions.

Scorpio (October24/November22)

Commanding public attention is as easy as breathing for you on the 3rd; it’s a good day to make a professional presentation or go to an audition. A romantic or business partner will also become more self-sufficient. Collaborating on a creative project is rewarding on the 6th. The more detailed your discussions, the better your work becomes. Friendship could turn to romance on the 8th if you’re so inclined. On the 15th, the New Moon invites you to pursue a lifelong dream that surprises even your nearest and dearest. Don’t favour work over love on the 17th. Take time out of your busy schedule to shower your best friend or amour with affection.

Sagittarius (November23/December21)

More opportunities to indulge your love of art, music, film, and other cultural delights will arrive on the 3rd. Stop putting so much emphasis on work. The 6th is a good day to talk to your boss about cutting back your work schedule. If you’re self-employed, stop putting in such long hours. Your improved health is obvious to everyone on the 8th; accept compliments on your radiant appearance with a grateful and happy heart. The New Moon on the 15th attracts an unusual career opportunity. It will be nice to expand your professional repertoire. Beware of overdoing it with food, drink, and other vices on the 17th.

Capricorn (December22-January20)

You can indulge your sensual side on the 3rd when money for luxuries becomes available. It may be wise to slow things down in the romance department, too, if you want a serious relationship. Signing a contract on the 6th is strongly advised; this agreement will serve you well for a long time. A financial or emotional gamble pays off handsomely on the 8th; venture out of your comfort zone. On the 15th, the New Moon settles a legal matter in your favour; you might even get a big reward for damages. Don’t indulge a loved one’s temper tantrum on the 17th, or they’ll throw a fit every time something goes wrong.

Aquarius (January21/February19)

Romance floods back into your life on the 3rd; scale back on family time for the sake of your amour. A scholarship, loan, or inheritance comes your way on the 6th. It will be a relief to be on secure financial ground. If you’ve been thinking about relocating, the 8th is a perfect day for finding a spacious new home. On the 15th, the New Moon finds you letting down your defences with a special person who makes you feel safe. Think about joining households and bank accounts with this lovely soul. Don’t let an overbearing relative comment on your personal life on the 17th; it’s important to maintain strong boundaries with this pest.

Pisces (February20/March20)

Spending more time on your appearance will pay off handsomely on the 3rd; prepare to turn heads. A flirtatious conversation on the 6th makes you glow with happiness. This will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. The good news about a financial matter arrives on the 8th; congratulations. On the 15th, the New Moon marks an engagement, marriage, or business partnership. It feels so reassuring to have the support of a stable person. Beware of spending money as soon as it arrives on the 17th; concentrate on building savings instead. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do on the 19th. 


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