Brian May told Freddie Mercury to ‘stop fighting annoying Queen fans’ | Music | Entertainment


Brian told Total Guitar magazine: “This particular night, they sang every word to every song, which was rather novel in those days. I mean, I went to a [Led] Zeppelin concert and I don’t remember people singing along to Communication Breakdown or whatever they were playing. When Zeppelin played, they listened. They banged their heads, and they listened. And I thought about our concerts, ‘Why don’t you buggers listen instead of singing?’”

Yet after a while, the guitarist realised that they should be encouraging their fans to sing along after all, explaining how he convinced Freddie that it helped with the energy. His epiphany took place after performing We Will Rock You in the Midlands during the late 1970s.

READ MORE: Freddie Mercury’s rare Live Aid rehearsal footage shared by Queen


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