‘I’m kicking my pregnant daughter and her 6 kids out – she’s calling me selfish’


A mum has had enough and is sending her pregnant daughter, her partner, and their six kids packing from her house.

And she’s been cheered on the internet for her tough choice.

The 45-year-old told her story online, asking if she was wrong, but got lots of claps for her decision on Reddit.

Her 27-year-old daughter, who has a part-time job, and her chef fiance have stayed with them for over a year after losing their last home, she says, adding that they didn’t pay rent to save money, but kept asking for more help without saving much.

She said: “I have put up with loud voices at all hours, and waking up at different hours to cater to the children because I love my grandchildren. I never complained to my daughter because I believe family is very important. It’s just that my children are all grown up, my youngest moved out four years ago and my husband and I had hopes to remodel. We didn’t expect them to be living here this long.”

READ MORE: Teen ruins Christmas for stepmum and stepsister after they move in with her dad


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