July horoscope 2023: Monthly horoscope reading for each star sign


Astrologers have predicted July to be “full of tension” but the first few days are an opportunity to “clear minds, connect with feelings and weather upcoming storms”.

Action will quickly come as the full moon in Capricorn occurs on July 3, and Express.co.uk spoke exclusively to Celebrity Psychic and Astrologer Inbaal Honigman about the new month. 


Inbaal said: “Summer has still got a ways to go, but you’ve peaked early and you’re ready for autumn, Aries. Your ruling planet is fiery, passionate Mars, and it has been in the fiery sign Leo since the start of summer. 

“Now, on July 9, Mars shifts into sensible Virgo, and your summer changes its tone from bright blood red to the calmer, earthier russet. As your approach becomes softer, more accepting, and less about yourself, you will also find that those around you want to confide in you, bring you closer, and share their lessons with you. The noisy pool-bar days of early summer give way to quieter breezy days at a rooftop hideaway.”


She continued: “You’d better get used to this, because there’s a full year of it ahead, Taurus – both Jupiter, planet of generosity and expansion, and Uranus, planet of innovation are in your sign together all month long. 

“Yes, they’ve been doing this for a few weeks already and yes, they’ll keep doing this for another 10 months, but it’s still very notable. 

“Every job you have will reward you more. Every investment you make will pay you well. Anything you gamble on will be successful! Money luck is with you all month so make the most of it.”


The astrologer added: “Playful Gemini season is over, and romantic Cancer season has started. Those around you will be engaging with their home lives more, going to the cinema with the kids, tidying the garden and planning the plastering for the autumn days, but you take this further. 

“Your ruling planet is chatty Mercury, and it races ahead, into fiery Leo from the 11 to the 28, which will see you booking a luxury yacht for your summer vacay, then into sensible Virgo for the final three days of the month, so you start making lists and plan the shopping for autumn.”


Inbaal remarked: “Happy Cancer season! Not only is this your season, but the New Moon on the 17th is your Cancer New Moon, and signifies new beginnings, and fresh vibes of renewal and surprises abound. This is your time to decide to go a different way. 

“If there’s anything in your life that hasn’t felt right, fix it, now’s your chance. Hand in your notice, and give your partner that final warning. And as you complete those endings, start to get excited about all the new things – get your friends to introduce you to someone new, check the notices for an exciting job and why not change your hair while you’re at it.”


She said: “July 2023 is a very active month for you, Leo. Many blessings, some of them come all at once. Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign all month, so there will be romance – but from the 23rd it goes retrograde so expect misunderstandings. 

“Between the 11th and the 28th we find Mercury, the planet of communication in your sign so get ready for new contracts around work. And Mars, the planet of passion is in Leo until the 9th, so temptation will be around every corner, trying to lure you away from your partner. Take time to think over every decision you make.”


The expert explained: “Summer is not your favourite time of year, Virgo. It’s noisy, chaotic, sweaty and most likely carrying diseases.

You prefer autumn, when everyone is back at school and you can wear a shirt again. But preparations must begin! 

“From the 10th, we find Mars, the planet of passion in your sign, which means you’ll see a huge uptick in your romantic matches. Your temper may be a little hard to restrain, but that will be attractive to many. Then, from the 29th, chatty planet Mercury is in your sign, too, which could spell promotions.”


Inbaal revealed: “Your ruling planet Venus, the planet of love and beauty, makes you feel strong but then trips you up, Libra.

“All month long, Venus is in Leo. The gentle loving planet in the powerful fire sign makes a potent combo, and you feel as if you can move mountains with your heart alone. You find the courage to ask someone out or confess your love. 

“Then, on the 23rd, Venus turns retrograde, and all your lovely progress is at risk! Don’t panic, and just make each romantic move very slowly and intentionally – and don’t take any crosswords to heart.”


She said: “You like to be a bit secretive and mysterious, Scorpio, so your ruling planet, Pluto, is a planet of transformation. This allows you to shed the old skin in favour of the new, whenever you fancy. But did you know that before Pluto was discovered, your traditional ruling planet was passionate Mars, in classical astrology? 

“This fiery red planet spoke of your temper and drive. And it’s this planet which is transforming this July. Starting in powerful, explosive Leo, you’ll be leading the throngs until the 9th, then from the 10th, it moves to calm, pragmatic Virgo, which means you’ll be balanced and sensible.”


The astrologer continued: “The moon is in your sign twice this month, which doesn’t happen often, Sagittarius.

“You’re a free spirit, and nothing ties you down – happy to go with the flow and change with the winds. When the weather turns bad, you just hop on a plane – or plan for a life where you can do exactly this. Normally, the moon goes through each sign once every month, but sometimes, the first and the last moon sign of the month are the same. 

“The double influence of the moon on your sign this July means that you have a chance to check your long terms plans in life – marriage? Kids? Digital nomad life? Visualise what you want in your life.”


Inbaal explained: “Cancer season, always brings the Capricorn Full Moon. Your Full Moon is your time to get manifesting. Make a list of all the things you want to achieve, including both rational and irrational wishes, it’s absolutely fine to dream big. 

“Normally your dreams involve business goals and strategies, so you can add those to the list – what you want to earn, awards you’d like to win. But allow yourself to dream of personal achievements too, like fitness goals, love life or learning to cook a specific dish. Read out that list during the Capricorn full moon on July 3rd, and visualise your success in all those fields.”


She added: “You’re not one to just go with the flow, Aquarius, but this month (and for the rest of the year) you do.

“You have two ruling planets because you’re special! Your modern ruling planet is Uranus, the planet of rebellion. This fits, as you do have a rebellious streak, but at the moment, this planet is in stable Taurus, which is a very peaceful sign that doesn’t gravitate towards drama, so your rebellions will be limited. 

“Your traditional ruling planet is Saturn, the planet of karma. This planet is in calm and romantic Pisces at the moment, so instead of raising hell, you’re in love.”


Inbaal concluded: “Nobody promised it would be easy, Pisces. During the whole month of July, Saturn, the planet of Karma is going retrograde in your sign. This will put you in situations which feel unjust, you’ll rile against injustice repeatedly, which is exhausting. Not only that but also Neptune, the planet of illusion and inspiration, is retrograde in your sign all month long. 

“Your dreams and aspirations will run into issues, and you’ll find that you need to pivot away from your life goals and focus on smaller mini-goals while you wait for the retrogrades to be over.”


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